I Never Imagined I'd Be Where I Am Today!
From 2009 to 2015, I wrote a blog called "Blogging To A Better Bonnie". Back then, it was the day to day musings of a stay-at-home mom of an only child, and the ebbs and flows of the suburban lifestyle just outside of our Nation's Capital.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd be where I am today.
Single. Business owner. Published Author. Daughter at a prestigious Seven Sisters college. And living on my own in a collegiate New England town. And loving every minute!
Last night, I had a nearly two hour conversation with one of my favorite friends, Holly, and she suggested blogging as a way to introduce more people to my first book ("Stop Buying Bins: & other blunt but practical advice from a home organizer") and create some excitement for the second (working title "Handbook for the Organizationally Impaired: a home organizer's advice for getting your act together") which brought flooding back to mind my long-abandoned blog.
I've since archived all the old posts - believe me, it has very little to do with who I am now. Instead, let's start fresh.
Let's call this blog a cautionary tale, or at least, food for thought. My hope is to impart what I've learned so far on this journey called life, on a myriad of topics, so that you might be able to avoid the same potholes in the road. And to be honest, middle-age has wreaked havoc with my memory, so it may help me too; I don't want to make the same mistakes thrice. At the very least, I hope it gives you insight into who I am, flaws and all, and that you find useful information along with a good dose of laughs. Think, old friends chatting over coffee. I hope you'll join me.
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